Romhacking has many areas where you can get active. In general we try to invent or improve upon a commercial products. A fan service for games that did never find support for our ideas. So try to be respectful and fair to the creators and licenses involved.
The most importent thing in a game is always the player. Feedback is good, positive or negative. When constructive it might affect future projects or lead to updates. Might also help others to find the expirience they are looking for. So have at it and be a part of it!
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Level Editing
Do you like to get technical and use general tools as hex-editors, debuggers or assemblers to find, change and fit new text into a game?
Some games use ascii and searching in a hex-editor brings success.. For some games you need to make a table file in order to find text or newer once even need decompression tools for the job.
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In case you have a new idea for a game and like to do something that will be yours. There are tools like GB-Studio or Nesmaker that let you create games without coding.
You can also start from scratch with a assembler and your own tools to create a game for your console of choice. Some consoles have better resources and documentation to get started.
(!TODO "Homebrew Guide")
Music and Graphic Assets
Creating assets for your project or general use can be a tricky thing. Specially with this limitations older consoles tend to have. So lets talk about style, tools and what does exist out there to get into.
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(!TODO "Music Guide")
(!TODO "Pixleart Guide")
Some might think it is impossible to get into this. I think if you survived middle school and have a lot of will and patience you will get there with the right guides.
Debuggers did come a long way and provide a lot of visual guidance. If you manage to pick the right goals for consoles that have good references you will have a very interesting journey in front of you. There are also a lot of disciplines you can get into to start learning. It is something that take most of us a lot of time but as long you can keep things intressting you should not run out of motivation.
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Tool creation and specialist
Here we find the people who made hacking possible in the first place. Without tools, references or a place to show and talk about this resources, we might not see a lot of hacks. In the end we need everyone to make this a awesome place and we should give our best that the people here can reach there goals. Big goals usually need the right people at work and everyone can help. If you see a tool creator answering very basic questions the whole time you might like to jump in to give him a hand if you can.