This is a hack of Phantasy Star III that addresses many of the game’s present bugs, and also is a complete translation of the Japanese script.
Improvements and other revisions have also been included.
Spike’s Note: I’ve obtained permission from the patch author to host this here, despite readme warning not to host elsewhere.
Phantasy Star III - Generations of Doom (USA, Europe)
CRC32: C6B42B0F
MD5: 82C7BC027685CC8FC6C9E077BEB1A75A
SHA-1: 59D4914E652672FD1E453C76B8250D17E8CA154E
CRC32: C6B42B0F
MD5: 82C7BC027685CC8FC6C9E077BEB1A75A
SHA-1: 59D4914E652672FD1E453C76B8250D17E8CA154E
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