Hack Name:  True Analogs Mod For Armored Core: Formula Front International (PSP) – Japan (PSP Emulators, Vita)
Released by: 
Language: ,
Status:  Complete
Patch Version:  1.0
Last updated:  June 22, 2024
Type of Hack:  Gameplay
Downloads:  62

The patch affects “manual” fights, and enables usage of both analog sticks, *including* manual control of the vertical camera movement (looking up/down), which in this game by default is actually automatic (following the enemy movement).

Analog input processing inside this game is based on actual in-game (but not used) code: this game actually has extra, unused instructions left inside the executable that include analog processing for all four axes of movement.

Left analog sends the following commands: strafe left, strafe right, forward, backward.
Right analog sends the following commands: turn left, turn right, look up, look down.

The analog controls keep working exactly as described above, even if the user changes the control scheme for the digital buttons or the left analog pad, so all the buttons can be remapped in-game as you like.

Supported version: ULJS-19001 (dual language support: Japanese/English)

By default, even in manual fights, in this game the vertical camera movement is automatic (follows the enemy). The analog patch disables this automatic vertical lock-on when doing manual fights, so that right analog stick CAN be used to manually control the camera on all 4 directions, similar to the other AC games in the series. There is no “camera reset” combo, though. Purging should work as usual (D-PAD UP + relevant part/weapon button).

In order for this to work, the controller configuration in the PPSSPP emulator needs to have mappings added for the in-game right analog (even if the real PSP didn’t have a right analog pad), matching the axis of your controller (1st screenshot). For Vita, any mappings or plugins for the right analog should be removed.

On PC at least, PPSSPP version 1.6.+ is recommended, otherwise there might be graphical glitches (even with the unpatched, original game).

PPF patch on the decrypted EBOOT.BIN

  1. PPSSPP can be configured to generate a decrypted EBOOT.BIN (or you can extract the EBOOT.BIN from the ISO with 7zip, then use the command-line tool “pspdecrypt” on the .BIN file)
  2. Next, use PPF-O-MATIC 3.0 or other compatible tool to apply the PPF patch on that decrypted EBOOT.BIN
  3. Finally, use UMDGen or a similar tool to insert the new, patched EBOOT.BIN inside the original ISO in place of the old EBOOT.BIN.

This convoluted method is necessary since creating a PPF patch directly on the game ISO is legally problematic: the original EBOOT.BIN file is encrypted, and patching that would create a file that will contain information about the whole executable, instead of just a difference.

File format.iso
CRC-32: 7d6e1b46
SHA-1: 107ad3157488e23e1ad8d0d6dd2a642d38c3472d
File download: 
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