Majora’s Mask ROM Hack
Comes built in with many QoL features such as transformation masks on D-pad, change arrow types using the R button, fast chest animations, and two sets of D-pads that can be changed by the L button.
Navigate through a challenging tower with five floors of different terrain with lots of new and returning enemies, and make use of Link’s transformations with level design to complement their abilities. Prepare to feed the Hungry Pumkins and make use of all the clues found throughout the tower to make it out alive!
Made in only 2 months for a Hylian Modding romhacking competition, this hack includes a large amount of Majora items, custom enemies, boss fights, items, and soundtrack. Comes with jokes!
Known compatibility: Retroarch, PJ64, Mupen
Does work on console if you are into that kind of thing…
PATCH ONTO Legend of Zelda, The – Majora’s Mask (U) [!]
Credit is a must: Zel ( from The Missing Link ) was behind the music wizardry. Col0korn ( from Sealed Palace ) did the credits theme and the fishing hole. Barbie song by Aqua. Thumbnail image created by Hack Games Longplay Channel ( Check out his Youtube ).
CRC-32: b428d8a7
SHA-1: d6133ace5afaa0882cf214cf88daba39e266c078
Contributor Type of contribution Listed credit
Corrhaid Levels Blender, making maps and 3D models
Egor Levels Blender, making maps and 3D models
Javarooster Original Hacking Coding and Programming
z64me Original Hacking Programming and Coding
Dude, based.