Vintage Velocity II is a continuation and completion of Vintage Velocity that adds in all 10 Satellaview courses from BS F-Zero Grand Prix 2 as the Pawn and Bishop series. Play this alongside Vintage Velocity I to get the full SNES course experience.
The second half of Vintage Velocity II, the Sage series and the unlockable Joker series, collect courses from Maximum Velocity, GP Legend, and Climax that never appeared in a Grand Prix. The origin of these courses is listed below, but avoid this if you do not want spoilers.
Play through all courses to unlock a special, mysterious Championship course.
Filename: F-Zero - Maximum Velocity (UE) [!].sav
CRC-32: 7dbf0b4b
SHA-1: 38058207861f6f67616004bde37bfd228ea750a8
CRC-32: 7dbf0b4b
SHA-1: 38058207861f6f67616004bde37bfd228ea750a8
GuyPerfect: Programming, Data Extraction, Palettes, Level Editor
PowerPanda: Project Coordination, Course Creation and Editing
TSP184: Title Screen Mod
PowerPanda: Project Coordination, Course Creation and Editing
TSP184: Title Screen Mod
YouTube Video:
File download:
Version 2.1 fixes the finish line of Mute City: Championship so that you cannot accidentally miss a lap.