Based on the pokecrystal disassembly by pret
Features as of v1.4:
Tradeback NPC: A Tradeback Red NPC stands in the back of Elm’s Lab for you to trade all trade evolutions with.
Pocket PC: After receiving your starter Pokemon, one of Elm’s Aides near the entrance will hand you a Pocket PC key item after your Potion to allow you to access the PC anywhere outside of your house and Pokemon Center.
Gen 6. Exp. Share Key Item: After coming back from Mr. Pokemon and one of the other starters are stolen by Silver, Elm’s Aide will hand you the Exp. Share key item with your Poke Balls which distributes EXP points to your whole party in battle and during catches. You can toggle on and off in the Key Items bag.
Earn EXP by catching mons
Party Menu Color Icons: Icons for every Pokemon will be in your party menu instead of the vanilla ones, in color.
Different color pallette for Johto Badges
3rd Page in Trainer Card for Kanto Leaders/Badges
Running Shoes: Hold B to run.
Show names of TMs when Receiving/Buying
Reusable TMs: You can’t farm, deposit or toss your TMs but you can reuse them just like HMs.
Kurt makes pokeballs instantly: Instead of waiting until the next day, Pokeballs are made instantly. Unsure if this will work with the GS Ball Event.
Pokeballs are all their respective color
Restored Celebi GS Ball Event: After defeating the Elite Four and becoming Champion, fly to the Goldenrod City Pokemon Center, a nurse aide will give you the GS Ball item, fly to Azalea and give it to Kurt, the next day he’ll say that the forest is behaving strangely. Go to Azalea Forest and put the GS Ball in the shrine past the cut tree. An animation will occur and you get to fight/catch a lvl 30 Celebi.
Rare Candies, Master Balls and Evolution Stones: All marts with the exception of the fake mart in Mahogany before you beat Team Rocket, Mt. Moon and the Underground Path sell Rare Candies and Masterball for 0 Pokedollars. The 3rd floor of the Goldenrod City Department Store has a clerk that sells all Evolution stones.
Hotfix Update: Cleaned up commits to keep up with pret repo and clean up code. Overworld Sprite problem fixed.
Thank you to the pret community, whose help and tutorials made this project possible.
Thank you also to the minidex team and fellowship-of-the-roms for the party menu icon sprites.
Thank you also to Tom Wang and Seasick for the Running Shoes sprites.
CRC-32: ee6f5188
SHA-1: f4cd194bdee0d04ca4eac29e09b8e4e9d818c133
All 251 Pokemon Available, Yet?
If I decide to update it again, yeah. I’ve been having trouble trying to implement that feature in my hacks because I’m self-taught.
Sorry for all the repeated updates but I kept having things to fix and having to rebuild and rebuild lol, the hack is done unless I decide or learn how to do something else. I also leave the link to the repo here and anyone can feel free to use it as a code base for your own rom hack.