I can't get this to run on my 3DS. Used the correct hashes. It doesn't want to run on any of the injection methods. It doesn't boot up on VirtuaNES on my computer either. Only on NEStopia. Bummer!
Anyone is welcome to message the creator (me) if you want a custom patch with Japanese names, or terms all matching PS1, etc. Thanks! I really appreciate all good and bad feedback and use everything to make this the best it can be, so if you enjoy it (or not) please reach out and/or leave an honest review! - Chris
Awesome little game! Marc_max make an incredible job like usual! Hope he will continue to revive awesome games with coloration mods.
Well made ROMHack, visually pleasing with intriguing music. Level design is evidently well thought out and vibrant in colour, be warned however it is very much a maze puzzle ROMHack but if you like that then go ahead.
Oye amigo, existe la posibilidad de que puedas traducir algún juego de Growlanser? No tenemos nigun juego de esos en español😅 y Excelente trabajo, me está gustando la traducción🐸🍷👌 Literal gracias a ti conocí ese juego.
I wouldn't sweat it. SMB1 uses one font for the entire game, and in the font for the game the numbers 3 and 4 were changed resulting in the same asset used in the Super Lucas Bros ROMHack. We are talking about 6 pixels changed at most, also his ROMHack is quite potentially newer than this translation either way.
This patch didn't work, other no timer patches worked perfectly. For some reason with this one even if the file says successfully patched, the date modified remains at 1996. Timer is still there.
Where exactly? I know that 3pacalypse Now used Guyver's Russian patch as a base, but he didn't mention anyone else. I will ask him about that.
That would be nice to have as a separate hack. Like have his voice's volume cut by like half or 2/3rd's so it sounds like the magic bubble's muffling his voice. If I get some free time this weekend I'll ask around SMW Central as they have the rom and ram mapped out on the site. Might be able to make this happen if it doesn't already exist somewhere on the net.
Thank you for creating this patch! Now I don't have to worry about little Mario's 800,000 decibel voice screaming out of my phone speaker when I'm playing on a quiet room lmao
I loved playing Simpsons games on the NES and Genesis when i was a kid, a lot, never got anywhere but it was fun.
Brette none
I would suggest, if possible, to use a more accurate core with retroarch.
Panic at The Mario Disco (NES) Romhack - December 26, 2023