Thanks for the info. I'm a programmer, but I don't know about disc/rom editing. What software should I use to make these changes? Or do you know where I can find more information about this?
"Vanilla something" means the normal version of that thing. In this case, Vanilla SotN means the game without any patches/hacks applied to it.
How strange, the Cloth Cape was there normally, climbing the platforms in the laboratory xDPlease excuse my English, but what is vanilla Symphony of the Night? If you could tell me the link so I can download and install the patch correctly, I would appreciate it. Sorry for the delay too! Greetings from Brazil
Thanks for your comment Actually the game uses some anti-cheat techniques and the player's data is somewhat encrypted. However It's just a matter of time to get there!
how did you even get the leather cape? it's not available in that hack xD anyway, you just continue your way up the marble gallery, then go to the Library and buy the Gravity Boots, then you can get the Soul of Wolf...and after that there are many other pathways that's become available to you. Sorry for late reply I just saw your message now :P (also make sure to patch it with vanilla SotN so it wont break some things..there are some wrong tiles in your screenshot so im thinking maybe it that's why you're stuck)
I have no clue if you would take this on but would you try your color hacking skills on a genesis game called caliber.50? Goal in mind would be to make it look more like the arcade version
Thank you heaps, Adrian. It went truly well. Ah there you go. :) Happy Birthday to you too then mate. I hope it has been a great one for you as well. Oh yes indeed. That's why I chose to opt-in for this one rather than the Super Everdrive cause of adding your own customised menus.
Happy Birthday Josh! Hope you had a great dinner out with your family and no need to apologise. Hey it's my birthday today on the 12th of march so we're pretty close. That SD2SNES of yours is pretty awesome and I like how you out your youtube channel logo on the flash cart.
this is an awesome translation! thank you! The dialog is pretty funny! I have not made it to level 5 yet, but based on the readme i wanted to point out that "git" should be "get" in both versions. In the US "git" is not a word unless we are talking about github =p
Very great job on this translation but I have one request. Can you also make this compatible with the MSU-MD and MD+ hacks of Puyo Puyo in an update? I want to play this translation hack with the enhanced audio.
Hey Adrian. Sorry for the late response as I was out for dinner with family and friends since it's my birthday today. Yeah you can try it out on a SNES Emulator if you like since that will work fine. The SNES I use is the same one I had since December 1996 which still works. I used a different brand flash cart as this one I use isn't a Super Everdrive. it's a SD2SNES (pre-FX-PAK) with more chip enhancements in the cartridge. Believe it or not it lets you have a custom Menu like I put on mine with my Retro Gaming channel banner which I made. :) Anyways, I'll read the review here and the comments on YouTube. ^^
Hey Josho, I wrote the review based on your awesome video you uploaded on Youtube, I haven't actually played it. If I had a PAL SNES console and a SNES EverDrive i'd give this a go mate but I don't own one because back in the day I was always on Sega's side having owned a Master System and a Mega Drive and I hated Nintendo back then. I guess I could always download a SNES emulator and give it a try?
The translator agreed to translate the text, but said credits were too much of a headache to translate. If someone else wanted to help out and translate them I would be open to update, but at the moment there are no plans to.
Without a doubt, a very well done translation. Just one question: any plans to add translated end credits? I missed them when I played the English translated version.
Firstly, "Manhole" is one word. Secondly, why is there literally no mention that this is a game based on the popular anime series Azumanga Daioh? I think that should have come first.
mk55 Member
Maybe I can help you hack the game. Do you have a Discour because I am also trying to hack the game? I can change the shots, change the ball colors, and change the players’ energies. I have all the codes. I can also change the color of the players' clothes.
Captain Tsubasa J – Get in The Tomorrow Conquered (PlayStation) Romhack - March 17, 2025